Landscaping Co.

Sleep Increases My Productivity

At one point, I thought that getting less sleep would make me more productive.

But then, I was proven wrong.

My lack of sleep was making me feel exhausted and unproductive throughout the day.

I relied on numerous cups of caffeine to get through the morning and afternoon.

At the end of a long day, it felt like I was trying to squeeze out the last few drops of an orange, even after it had completely dried up.

This was a waste of time, energy, and often led to burnout.

If I had stopped working when the tank was on empty, all of this could have been avoided.

Things needed to change, and that's when I started prioritizing and establishing a consistent sleep schedule.

I gave myself at least 60 minutes to wind down after a busy day before going to bed.

I created boundaries and said no to invites that would require me to sacrifice my sleep.

I went to bed at the same time every night and woke up at the same time every morning.

I began waking up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle the day ahead.

The extra hours of sleep have completely changed the way I feel in the 24 hours ahead of me.

The best part is, I am no longer a slave to caffeine to jumpstart my day.

My mind and body are well-rested and prepared for it.

Challenge for you: Create a consistent sleep schedule so that you can make sure you're getting the proper rest each day of the week.

Determine the following:

A 30 minute evening routine to help you wind down from the dayWhat time you want to be sleeping byWhat time you want to wake up each day

Stay consistent and you're going to feel a massive change in how you show up each day.

This will lead you to being more productive and help you create more time in your day.

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